"Lullaby Lane" is an energetic dance track by SailSki, the electronic music persona of award-winning composer Carlos Alberto Serrano. This single features the sweet and endearing voice of Iris Serrano and serves as an homage to the legendary Jake Burton Carpenter, the founder of Burton Snowboards.
The song is inspired by a ski trail at Stowe Mountain Resort, originally named Lullaby Lane but later renamed "Jake's Ride" in honor of Burton. The phrase "Jake’s Ride, Hero, Hero, Hero snow" is sung in a way that mimics the movement and sound made when skiing or riding, evoking the memory of Burton, who passed away not long ago. The song's lyrics reflect a nostalgic longing for a lost companion, blending sentimental elements with an uplifting and celebratory tone that encourages listeners to enjoy life as Jake would have wanted.
"Lullaby Lane" is a spin-off of a cue from the award-winning film Late for Work, directed by Allison Zevallos. The film features the artistry of actors Tom Charpentier and child skiers Brendan Gallivan and Rafe Romine. The score of Late for Work, which contains elements of this track, has won numerous awards and showcases Carlos Alberto Serrano’s versatility as a composer.
In this track, SailSki demonstrates his superb synthesizer skills, drawing comparisons to greats like David Guetta, Seven Lions, and Daft Punk. The interplay between Iris' sweet voice, SailSki's thunderous vocals, and the high-level synthesizer work make this song a standout.
Lullaby Lane, my easy trail Where I found love, beyond the pale Hand in hand, we glide along Lullaby Lane, where love is strong Lullaby Lane, how I miss you In memories, our love stays true In every glide, your presence near Lullaby Lane, forever dear Lullaby Lane, a whispered name In my heart, it forever claims Through the snow, I long to glide With you by my side, love as our guide Lullaby Lane, how I miss you In memories, our love stays true In every glide, your presence near Lullaby Lane, forever dear
Artist: SailSki (Carlos Alberto Serrano)
Vocals: Iris Serrano
Producer: SailSki